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18 <h1>William Blake</h1>
19 <div class="contents">
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25 <!-- Page published by Emacs Muse begins here -->
26 <p class="verse">
27 5: Till Covet broke his locks &amp; bars.<br />
28 And slept with open doors:<br />
29 Envy sung at the rich mans feast:<br />
30 Wrath was follow'd up and down<br />
31 By a little ewe lamb<br />
32 And Wantonness on his own true love<br />
33 Begot a giant race:<br />
34 <br />
35 6: Raging furious the flames of desire<br />
36 Ran thro' heaven &amp; earth, living flames<br />
37 Intelligent, organiz'd; arm'd<br />
38 With destruction &amp; plagues. In the midst<br />
39 <a href=";java=no">The Eternal Prophet</a> bound in a chain<br />
40 Compell'd to watch Urizens shadow<br />
41 <br />
42 7: Rag'd with curses &amp; sparkles of fury<br />
43 Round the flames roll as Los hurls his chains<br />
44 Mounting up from his fury, condens'd<br />
45 Rolling round &amp; round, mounting on high<br />
46 Into vacuum: into non-entity.<br />
47 Where nothing was! dash'd wide apart<br />
48 His feet stamp the eternal fierce-raging<br />
49 Rivers of wide flame; they roll round<br />
50 And round on all sides making their way<br />
51 Into darkness and shadowy obscurity<br />
52 </p>
54 <p class="verse">
55 Unwilling I look up to heaven! unwilling count the stars!<br />
56 Sitting in fathomless abyss of my immortal shrine.<br />
57 I sieze their burning power<br />
58 And bring forth howling terrors, all devouring fiery kings.<br />
59 <br />
60 Devouring &amp; devoured roaming on dark and desolate mountains<br />
61 In <a href=";java=no">forests of eternal death</a>, shrieking in hollow trees.<br />
62 Ah mother Enitharmon!<br />
63 Stamp not with solid form this vig'rous progeny of fires.<br />
64 <br />
65 I bring forth from my teeming bosom myriads of flames.<br />
66 And thou dost stamp them with a signet, then they roam abroad<br />
67 And leave me void as death;<br />
68 Ah! I am drown'd in shady woe, and visionary joy.<br />
69 <br />
70 And who shall bind the infinite with an eternal band?<br />
71 To compass it with swaddling bands? and who shall cherish it<br />
72 With milk and honey?<br />
73 I see it smile &amp; I roll inward &amp; my voice is past.<br />
74 </p>
76 <p class="verse">
77 For in the depths of Albions bosom in the eastern heaven,<br />
78 They sound the clarions strong! they chain the howling Captives!<br />
79 They cast the lots into the helmet; they give the oath of blood in Lambeth<br />
80 They vote the death of Luvah, &amp; they naild him to Albions Tree in Bath:<br />
81 They staind him with poisonous blue, they inwove him in cruel roots<br />
82 To die a death of Six thousand years bound round with vegetation<br />
83 <a href=";java=no">The sun was black</a> &amp; the moon rolld a useless globe thro Britain!<br />
84 </p>
86 <p class="verse">
87 At last when desperation almost tore his heart in twain<br />
88 He recollected an old Prophecy in Eden recorded,<br />
89 And often sung to the loud harp at the immortal feasts<br />
90 That Milton of the Land of Albion should up ascend<br />
91 Forwards from Ulro from the Vale of Felpham; and set free<br />
92 Orc from his Chain of Jealousy, he started at the thought<br />
93 And down descended into Udan-Adan; it was night:<br />
94 And Satan sat sleeping upon his Couch in Udan Adan:<br />
95 His Spectre slept, his Shadow woke: when one sleeps th'other wakes<br />
96 <br />
97 But Milton entering my Foot: I saw in the nether<br />
98 Regions of the Imagination; also all men on Earth,<br />
99 And all in Heaven, saw in the nether regions of the Imagination<br />
100 In Ulro beneath Beulah, the vast breach of Miltons descent.<br />
101 But I knew not that it was Milton, for man cannot know<br />
102 What passes in his members till periods of Space &amp; Time<br />
103 Reveal the secrets of Etenity: for more extensive<br />
104 Than any other earthly things, are Mans earthly lineaments.<br />
105 <br />
106 And all this <a href=";java=no">Vegetable World</a> appeard on my left Foot,<br />
107 As a bright sandal formd immortal of precious stones &amp; gold:<br />
108 I stooped down &amp; bound it on to walk forward thro' Eternity.<br />
109 </p>
111 <p class="verse">
112 Ephraim calld out to Zion: Awake O Brother Mountain<br />
113 Let us refuse the Plow &amp; Spade, the heavy Roller &amp; spiked<br />
114 Harrow. burn all these Corn fields. throw down all these fences<br />
115 Fattend on Human blood &amp; drunk with wine of life is better far<br />
116 Than all these labours of the harvest &amp; the vintage. See the river<br />
117 Red with the blood of Men. swells lustful round my rocky knees<br />
118 My clouds are not the clouds of verdant fields &amp; groves of fruit<br />
119 But Clouds of Human Souls. my nostrils drink the lives of Men<br />
120 The Villages Lament. they faint outstretchd upon the plain<br />
121 Wailing runs round the Valleys from the Mill &amp; from the Barn<br />
122 But most the polishd Palaces dark silent bow with dreadt<br />
123 Hiding their books &amp; pictures. underneath the dens of Earth<br />
124 The Cities send to one another saying My sons are Mad<br />
125 With wine of cruelty. Let us plat a Scourge O Sister City<br />
126 Children are nourishd for the Slaughter; once the Child was fed<br />
127 With Milk; but wherefore now are Children fed with blood<br />
128 The Horse is of more value than the Man. The Tyger fierce<br />
129 Laughs at the Human form. the Lion mocks &amp; thirsts for blood<br />
130 They cry O Spider spread thy web! Enlarge thy bones &amp; fill'd<br />
131 With marrow. sinews &amp; flesh Exalt thyself attain a voice<br />
132 Call to thy dark armd hosts, for all the sons of Men muster together<br />
133 To desolate their cities! Man shall be no more! Awake O Hosts<br />
134 The bow string sang upon the hills! Luvah &amp; Vala ride<br />
135 Triumphant in the bloody sky. &amp; the Human form is no more<br />
136 The listning Stars heard, &amp; the first beam of the morning started back<br />
137 He cried out to his Father, depart! depart! but sudden Siez'd<br />
138 And clad in steel. &amp; his Horse proudly neighd; he smelt the battle<br />
139 Afar off, Rushing back, reddning with rage the Mighty Father<br />
140 Siezd his bright Sheephook studded with gems &amp; gold, he Swung it round<br />
141 His head shrill sounding in the sky, down rushd the Sun with noise<br />
142 Of war, The Mountains fled away they sought a place beneath<br />
143 Vala remaind in desarts of dark solitude. nor Sun nor Moon<br />
144 By night nor day to comfort her, she labourd in thick smoke<br />
145 Tharmas endurd not, he fled howling. then a barren waste sunk<br />
146 Conglobing in the dark confusion, Mean time Los was born<br />
147 And Thou O Enitharmon! Hark I hear the hammers of Los<br />
148 They melt the bones of Vala, &amp; the bones of Luvah into wedges<br />
149 The innumerable sons &amp; daughters of Luvah closd in furnaces<br />
150 Melt into furrows. winter blows his bellows: ice &amp; Snow<br />
151 Tend the dire anvils. Mountains mourn &amp; Rivers faint &amp; fail<br />
152 There is no City nor Corn-field nor Orchard! all is Rock &amp; Sand<br />
153 There is no Sun nor Moon nor Star. but rugged wintry rocks<br />
154 Justling together in the void suspended by inward fires<br />
155 Impatience now no longer can endure. Distracted Luvah<br />
156 Bursting forth from the loins of Enitharmon, Thou fierce Terror<br />
157 Go howl in vain, Smite Smite his fetters Smite O wintry hammers<br />
158 Smite Spectre of Urthona, mock the fiend who drew us down<br />
159 From heavens of joy into this Deep. Now rage but rage in vain<br />
160 Thus Sang the <a href="">Demons of the Deep</a>.<br /></p>
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187 <p class="cke-footer">* jeffcovey becomes too groggy to read the directions and becomes
188 the year's first nasal spray overdose fatality.
189 </p>
190 <p class="cke-timestamp">Last Modified:
191 January 21, 2013</p>
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